Windows activation on Core without Internet connection

Our Windows Core Domain controller installations do reside in a place without internet connectivity so activating

Windows activation on Core without Internet connection

Install the Key, if you did not during installation:

cscript windows\systen32\slmgr.vbs –ipk ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY

If the Server would have internet access, the activation would work with:

cscript windows\systen32\slmgr.vbs –ato

For the net connected Server wi do have to phone Microsoft

To get the installation ID:

cscript windows\systen32\slmgr.vbs –dti

To get the installation into a textfile

cscript windows\systen32\slmgr.vbs –dti >>C:\act.txt

Call Microsoft, you will then get a confirmation ID

Enter the received confirmation ID:

cscript windows\systen32\slmgr.vbs –atp 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890

Taking care of duplicated WSUS ID’s

When you are using Templates in VMWare or just do clone a machine which was connected to a WSUS server before, you might get dupplicated WSUS client ID’s

You will notice those mchines will not show up in the WSUS console


WSUS Log for troubleshooting


Stop the Service

Net stop wuauserv

Delete registry keys



Delete those two keys



Restart the service

Net start wuausrv

Reregister the client:

WUAUCLT /ResetAuthorization /DETECTNOW

Enable LDAP over SSL for AD

We will need LDAPS later on for the two factor authentication, using openOTP
The suggested solution of the OpenOTP is not best practice, they suggest setting up a CA on the domain controller.

This Microsoft article is providing the necessary information’s

Template – Enhanced Key Usage – Server Authentication ( is important

Place the certificate

how to add the certificate to the NTDS service’s Personal certificate store

for troubleshooting

Requesting and installing a certificate

Create the CSR


Create a CSR on the core server

certreq -new c:\temp\cert.inf c:\temp\certrequest.req

the cert.inf file:

ProviderName=”Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider”
KeyUsage = 0xF0 ; Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Nonrepudiation, Data Encipherment
OID= ; Server Authentication

Sign the Certificate at the CA

Install the certificate

certreq -accept c:\temp\SignedCertificate.cer

Install the Root certificate

Do not forget to install the root certificate into the machine “trusted store”

Certutil –addstore –f “TrustedPublisher” c:\temp\root.cer


After a certificate is installed, follow these steps to verify that LDAPS is enabled:

  1. Start the Active Directory Administration Tool (Ldp.exe)
  2. On the Connection menu, click Connect.
  3. Type the name of the LDAP server (e.g. domain controller or AD LDS/ADAM server) to which you want to connect.
  4. Type 636 as the port number.
  5. Click OK.

Debug in case of problems

Certutil –VerifyStore MY



MY “Personal”

================ Certificate 0 ================

Serial Number: 75000000088db1a509904b6eff000000000008

Issuer: CN=XCA01-CA

NotBefore: 24.06.2015 09:03

NotAfter: 24.06.2016 09:13

Subject: CN=xdc01.xjbk.local

Non-root Certificate

Cert Hash(sha1): 1e 8b df 3f 67 1c 18 fe a9 7d 2b 32 0d d2 1a a3 9f 17 8c fd

Key Container = 87698826a058b37df04eac8a815a9b98_837e2fc9-5182-4419-9660-e414d


Simple container name: CertReq-0ecbfed1-329c-4ac6-a5ec-246aa7b87939

Provider = Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider

Private key is NOT exportable

Encryption test passed

Revocation check skipped — server offline

Certificate is valid

CertUtil: -verifystore command completed successfully.

Technical Information:

How to enable LDAP over SSL with external CA

Install an Read only Domain controller (RODC)

  • Create a VM
  • Install Windows 2012R2 Core
  • If from a Template – run sysprep
  • Install VMWare tools
  • Change name
  • Change IP Address to fix and the DNS server

Make sure the IP address is set to fix and the computer name is change!

Join the Domain

In Power Shell:

Add-Computer -DomainName domain.local

Setup RODC role

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services

Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName domain.local -installDNS:$true -ReadOnlyReplica:$true -Credential (Get-credential) -SiteName Default-First-Site-Name

Credetials: Domain\Administrator

Enter the recovery password twice

(Document the recovery password on a safe and secure place!!)

Install second Domain Controller

Create a VM

  • Install Windows 2012R2 Core
  • If from a Template – run sysprep
  • Install VMWare tools
  • Change name
  • Change IP Address to fix and the DNS server

Join the Domain

In Power Shell:

Add-Computer -DomainName domain.local

Reboot Server

Shutdown –r –t 0

Setup DC role

In Power Shell:

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services

Install-ADDSDomainController –DomainName xjbk.local –installDNS:$true

Install first DC and AD/Forest

domain-serviceSetup DC Role and AD

Configure the Server as a domain controller and DNS server and setup the domain & forest

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services


Install-ADDSForest –ForestMode “Win2012R2” –DomainMode “Win2012R2” –DomainName “domain.local” –DomainNetBIOSName “DOMAIN” –InstallDNS:$true –CreateDNSDelegation:$False

!! Attention !!

DomainNetBIOSName “DOMAIN” must be uppercase

Or you will face troubles when joining the vcenter later on

Deploy from a vmWare Template

Open vCenter
Select a matching template
Right click and choose

Enter the Name of the Server

and select a folder

Select the cluster

Select the host in the cluster

Select the storage

Set the proper Network


You need to generalize after the cloning



Select OOBE

And don’t forget

Rename-computer, change Name

Note: you should not use sconfig for this if you do not want to have the hostname
in capital letters

Start Powershell

Enter “Powershell” at the prompt

Change Name of the Server

Rename-computer –NewName ComputerName

Reboot Server

Shutdown –r –t 0

Change IP Address to Fix

This can be done by sconfig as well

(just enter sconfig at the prompt)

Start Powershell

Enter “Powershell” at the prompt

Identify the NIC


Set the IP V4 address

New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway

Set the DNS address

Set-DNSClientServerAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses (“”,“”)

Configure the TCP/IP protocol with DNS settings


Enable Remote management

Enable-NetFirewallRule –displaygroup “Windows Remote Management”

Lazy Windows

Typical windows Server environment

All servers have the same local Administrator password – easier to remember. Domain controller and file-servers do have internet access – it easier to activate windows that way, isn’t it? Easy to guess Domain Admin password, which does never expire – makes remembering easier. Why not agree on an easy standard password for any place, where a password is required? – This makes life and collaboration a lot easier. And this annoying Windows firewall is disabled by default anyway – it just keeps blocking important traffic.

Service account must be member of the Domain Admins group and have a never expiring password (the standard password)– you don’t have to think about privileges. Some Service accounts are used for multiple services with no logical connection.

And anyway, documentation is for wimps – no documentations helps securing my job


Is it lazy IT Guys, or is it time-pressure causing this?


Ask yourself some questions

Hand on your heart: would you be able to change the password of every service account in your domain and on your servers without breaking anything?

How many peoples have left the company, which do know passwords of Service accounts, Administrator accounts which are still valid?

How many peoples within you organization do know the credentials of an high privileged account?

Do you have the passwords documented (Secure and Safe) of every Administrator or Service Account?

Do your IT Staff use a “standard” password for various stuff?

Do you use the same PC to surf the internet and receive emails as you are using to administer your active directory?

How much Money and effort is your company spending on securing the net? Firewalls, proxies, mail-gateways and so on – but your windows servers are left more or less naked

Do your users (and yourself) logout when you leave the pc, or do you just lock the machine? Do you really know what is going on in your windows session, when you are away (lunch, break and meeting)

Do you have a CSO (Chief Security Officer)? Does he know or care what is going on in the Windows area?

Do your IT-Staff have access to file structures contain business documents? Do they really need this?

Have you ever tested an active directory restore from backup?

Are you sure, all Business data is backed up properly and a restore is possible within reasonable time?

Is your password policy enforcing complex passwords? How many peoples in you organization are wring down their passwords? How many peoples just use iteration to comply with password rule?

e.g. Password1, Password2, Password3 and so on

How many passwords are guessable by social engineering? E.g. pets name, partners, children names Conclusion – in my Eyes, human beings are the weakest link here